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Inventory control program

An inventory management program is key to the efficient management of orders. Request a quote for the design and implementation of a customized Bitrix24 ERP system!

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How does the stocktaking program help?

Like other software, inventory management software makes work more efficient by automating most processes. It takes a lot of manual, time-consuming tasks away from employees, who can then spend the time and energy freed up on other important tasks.

Efficient inventory management and stocktaking – Inventory management software can help automate regular stocktaking, but also makes it much easier to carry out ad hoc stocktaking.
Up-to-date reports – The software constantly updates data so you can get up-to-date information at any time of the day or night. The software also makes reporting easy.
Optimise costs – Plannable ordering, material planning, and stock control eliminate unnecessary expenditures.
Manage orders – The software helps you fulfill orders on time, meaning fewer errors and fewer shortfalls.
Manage multiple warehouses – Inventory management software efficiently manages multiple warehouses on multiple sites simultaneously, making it easy to track stock movements.

Inventory management software – why you should choose us

Unique development opportunity

If your company has a specific workflow that would be greatly facilitated by business software, please contact us. Our developers can also develop custom software in addition to the standard Bitrix24 software.

Not only stock control software, but also integrated software

Office42 offers integrated Bitrix24 business software as a business management system. For example invoicing, accounting, customer relationship management, and other areas of the company. Make the workflow in your company more efficient with software that automates most tasks, freeing up time and energy for your employees.


Bitrix24 is one of the world’s leading case management systems. As a Bitrix24 Gold Certified Partner, we know all the ins and outs of the system and can undertake the complete design and implementation of the system for your company. We tailor the system to our customers’ needs.

ERP consulting

If you are unsure which workflows in your company could be made more efficient by business software, you can take advantage of our expert ERP consulting. Our consultancy service is also useful if you are considering implementing an ERP system, but would like to understand the system and its capabilities in depth before doing so.

Stocktaking software – FAQ

How does the cooperation work?

After requesting a quote, we will contact you to arrange a free consultation. This will include an assessment of your current workflows to see which tasks could be automated to make them more efficient. We will also listen to your needs and design a system tailored to your business.

If you agree to the design, we will purchase the necessary licenses and implement the system in your company. We will then provide you with a detailed explanation of the system’s components and functionality, as well as training on how to use it effectively.

Can I try the system before I buy it?

Yes, Bitrix24 has a free trial that can be used for 30 days. This allows you to get a good understanding of the system before you buy it.

Who can I contact with a technical problem?

Amennyiben a Bitrix24 rendszerében technikai hiba jelentkezne, úgy hozzánk és a Bitrix24-hez is bizalommal fordulhat. Ügyfelünkként az e-mail címen írhat nekünk, amennyiben pedig a Bitrixet keresné, az oldalukon találhat Helpdeskhez fordulhat.

How long is my Bitrix24 license valid and how can I extend it?

You can purchase a Bitrix24 license for 3 months or for a year. In the latter case, we also provide a free 2-hour consultation with the license. The renewal should be arranged in time before the expiry of the current license key.

Get a quote for efficient stock management!


Hörmann Hungary

“The system has met our expectations, it is very helpful in areas where we use it, such as: leave records, fault logging, delegating service work, and CRM.
The colleagues at Office42 have an excellent knowledge of the system and are always very helpful and knowledgeable.”

Impulse Projekt SRO

“We have been using Bitrix24 since 2016 as part of a partnership that has fundamentally changed the way information flows within our business.

It has been perfectly tailored to our daily operations, providing maximum support for the display and storage of incoming and outgoing information with an easy-to-use interface that is fit for the 21st century.”

Saubermacher Hungary

“Our organisation uses CRM, PM and Drive as well as messaging functions primarily. These make it much easier to organise daily work, organise tasks and communicate directly.

To the best of my recollection, we have never had an enquiry that we have not received a response / solution suggestion.”

Arc relocation Hungary

“Our company has been using Bitrix24 for 7 years now, covering almost the entire spectrum of our processes.

All our services are tracked in it, from order to invoicing, which is a great help for us, and it can also be used well with other external applications, so our overall assessment is very positive.”