What is the Bank Voucher Management module for?
The Bank Voucher Management module can scan bank statements in different formats, automatically identify partners based on partner master data, manage transfers, automatically group contracts and invoices by business line and make recommendations for charge-offs. It also provides the possibility to export bank transaction data according to various filtering criteria.


Hörmann Hungary
“The system has met our expectations, it is very helpful in areas where we use it, such as: leave records, fault logging, delegating service work, and CRM.
The colleagues at Office42 have an excellent knowledge of the system and are always very helpful and knowledgeable.”

Impulse Project SRO
“We have been using Bitrix24 since 2016 as part of a partnership that has fundamentally changed the way information flows within our business.
It has been perfectly tailored to our daily operations, providing maximum support for the display and storage of incoming and outgoing information with an easy-to-use interface that is fit for the 21st century.”

Saubermacher Hungary
“Our organization uses CRM, PM, and Drive as well as messaging functions primarily. These make it much easier to organize daily work, organize tasks, and communicate directly.
To the best of my recollection, we have never had an inquiry that we have not received a response/solution suggestion.”

Arc relocation Hungary
“Our company has been using Bitrix24 for 7 years now, covering almost the entire spectrum of our processes.
All our services are tracked in it, from order to invoicing, which is a great help for us, and it can also be used well with other external applications, so our overall assessment is very positive.”